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August 2024 Internship Period

First Round:
November 20, 2023 to January 19, 2024

Due for Recording of 1st Round Results:
February 23, 2024

Second Round:
February 26 to April 5, 2024

Due for Recording of 2nd Round Results:
May 17, 2024

Walk-in Round:
May 20 to July 26, 2024

February 2024 Internship Period

First Round:
October 9 to November 10, 2023

Due for Recording of Results:
December 15, 2023

Walk-in Round:
December 18, 2023 to January 26, 2024

Due for Recording of Results:
January 31, 2024

ABOUT Electronic National Internship Program System (E-NIPS)

The Electronic National Internship Program System (E-NIPS) aims to support the implementation of the medical internship program spearheaded by the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges Inc (APMC) and its partner medical schools and hospitals.

It is an online technology with the following functionalities:

  • Medical students can apply for internship, query available hospital slots and track the status of internship application
  • Medical schools can electronically forward the internship requirements to APMC.
  • Tracking of phases of internship from application to completion of internship program
  • Hospitals can record their assessment of the internship applicants and select accepted candidates via E-NIPS
  • Email notifications are sent out on phases such as completion of requirement, conduct of matching and release of internship results
  • Generation of dynamic reports, graphs, charts and certificates pertaining to the internship program.

You may register an account HERE.

Application Procedures

First Time Applicants:

  1. Create an account in E-NIPS. An email notification will be sent out to your registered email shortly. Only Filipino citizens (i.e. natural born, dual citizenship) are eligible to participate.

  2. The medical school shall validate and approve qualified registrations. Once approved, you will be receiving an email notification and may now log to E-NIPS.

  3. Click the link Apply for Internship. Select the period your are applying for in the ensuing dropdown list.

  4. Hospitals and the real-time number of available slots will be shown. Only hospitals with remaining slots will be present. Select up to 3 hospitals. Order them based on your preference.

  5. After selecting hospitals, the medical schools will be processing the academic credentials. Proof of registration payment must also be sent to Once the credentials and proof of payment are completed, the application is forwarded to the selected hospitals.

  6. Hospitals will be evaluating the submitted applications. The internship applicant will be matched to the highest ranked hospital selection that has accepted the applicaiton. Matching status will be reflected in E-NIPS as soon as it is determined.

Returning Applicants:

  1. Returning applicants are those that have previously applied for internship via E-NIPS but did not pushed through or discontinued.

  2. Request a reset of application via an email to In the email, please indicate your reason for re-application. Please do not register a new account.

  3. Once the reset is granted, you may proceed with application. The procedure is similar when applying for the first time. See steps 3-6 in the section above.


  • Please note that it is important to have an account in E-NIPS and having the hospital you were matched reflected in your account. Failure to do could have implications in the issuance of internship completion certificates and PRC reporting in the future.

  • For inquiries and concerns, please email

Regular Advisories

May 14, 2024

  1. The deadline for the recording of results for the 2nd round of August 2024 internship period is on May 17, 2024. Hospitals are encouraged to finalize the recording on or before the said date.

  2. E-NIPS will be placed in maintenance mode on May 18, 2024. The final matching results will be available by May 19, 2024.

  3. The walk-in round will run from May 20 to July 26, 2024. Those who are eligible to apply are:

  4. a. Applied in the 2nd Round but was not matched

    b. First time applicants as determined by the medical school

    c. Applicants from previous years but did not pushed through internship

    For 3.b, registration and approval of E-NIPS account is required.

    For 3.c, please request a reset of previous application to

  5. The procedure for walk-in application are as follows:

  6. a. Check the remaining hospital slots in E-NIPS via Apply for Internship.

    b. Request an endorsement letter to apply for internship from APMC via email ( Indicate in your email your preferred hospitals. You may indicate up to 3 hospitals. For those who are transferring, please indicate only 1 hospital.

    c. The letter of endorsement will be emailed by APMC to your preferred hospital for evaluation.

    d. You will be informed of the results via email. If you are selected by multiple hospitals, inform your preferred hospital. Once accepted, the result shall be encoded by APMC in E-NIPS and will be reflected to your E-NIPS account.

    e. If not accepted, repeat steps b and c.

  7. Please double check if your matched hospital is reflected in your E-NIPS account. This is to have your record be included in the official reports and avoid problems in the release of your internship completion form (i.e. pink form).

April 3, 2024

  1. The deadline for application for the 2nd round of August 2024 internship period is on April 5, 2024. The application form and hospital selection list will be locked from April 6 to May 17, 2024 to pave the way for the processing of documents and recording of results.

  2. For returning applicants from previous years, please do the request for reset of application on or before 4:00pm of April 5, 2024.

  3. For those that would be requesting changes in hospital choices, please do the request on or before 4:00pm of April 5, 2024.

    Request for hospital change is subjected for review based on the applicant's reason and if the application remains pending. No request for hospital change will be accommodated from April 6 to May 17, 2024.

  4. Final matching results will be known by on or before May 19, 2024 (Sunday). The walk-in round will start on May 20 until July 26, 2024.

February 25, 2024

  1. The final matching result for the first round of August 2024 internship is now available.

  2. The start of 2nd round application is February 26, 2024. Those who are qualified to apply are:

  3. a). Those that were not matched during the first round.

    You may immediately select your hospital choices for the second round via Apply for Internship.

    b). Those that applied for internship in the previous years but did not continue/purse internship.

    Please request a reset of application to For more details, see procedures for Returning Applicants on the left side.

    c). First time applicants that did not applied in the first round.

    Please the procedures for First Time Applicants on the left side.

  4. The second round of application will run from February 26 to April 5, 2024.

January 19, 2024

  1. The last day of application for the First Round of August 2024 internship period is on January 19, 2024. From January 20 to February 25, 2024, the application form will be locked and no hospital selection can be made.

  2. For applicants from previous internship periods who will be requesting a reset of application to apply for the First Round, please do so within office hours and until 5pm of January 19.

  3. From January 20 to February 23, all remaining applications will be processed and reviewed, Recording of results from the hospitals will be until February 23, 2024. In addition, no request for hospital change shall be accommodated within this period.

  4. By February 24, E-NIPS will be in maintenance mode for post-processing of pending applications. The final matching result will be known by February 25, 2024.

  5. The start of Second Round matching will be on February 26, 2024. Details for Second Round application will be posted on the 1st week of February 2024.

December 15, 2023

  1. The deadline for the recording of results for the First Round of February 2024 internship period is today, December 15, 2023. Hospitals are advised to finish the recording of the results within today

  2. E-NIPS will be in maintenance mode from 8pm of December 16 until morning of December 17, 2023. The final matching results will be known by December 17, 2023.

  3. The walk-in round shall start on December 18, 2023 until January 26, 2024. Those who are eligible to apply are:

    a. Applied in the 1st Round but was not matched

    b. First time applicants as determined by the medical school

    c. Applicants from previous years but did not pushed through internship

    For 3.b, registration and approval of E-NIPS account is required.

    For 3.c, please request a reset of previous application to

  4. The procedure for walk-in application are as follows:

    a. Check the remaining hospital slots in E-NIPS via Apply for Internship

    b. Request an endorsement letter to apply for internship from APMC via email ( Indicate in your email your preferred hospitals. You may indicate up to 3 hospitals. For those who are transferring, please indicate only 1 hospital.

    c. The letter of endorsement will be emailed by APMC to your preferred hospital for evaluation.

    d. You will be informed of the results via email. If you are selected by multiple hospitals, inform your preferred hospital. Once accepted, the result shall be encoded by APMC in E-NIPS and will be reflected to your E-NIPS account.

    e. If not accepted, repeat steps b and c.

  5. Please note that it is important to have your matched hospital be reflected in E-NIPS to be included in the official reports and prevent problems in the release of your internship completion form (i.e. pink form).

October 23, 2023

  1. Application period for the August 2024 Internship Period (regular) shall commence on November 20, 2023. The key dates are as follows:

    First Round: November 20, 2023 to January 19, 2024

    Due of Recording of 1st Round Result: February 23, 2024

    Second Round: February 26 to April 5, 2024

    Due of Recording of 2nd Round Results: May 17, 2024

    Walk-In Round: May 20 to July 26, 2024

  2. FIRST-TIME ELIGIBLE applicants are encouraged to register an E-NIPS account. Once created, it will still be reviewed and approved by medical school. Only approved accounts can apply for internship positions starting November 20.

  3. RETURNING applicants with existing E-NIPS account and previous internship application but did not pushed through with internship may request a reset of application via

  4. For further information, please check the application procedures for both first-time and retuning applicants at the E-NIPS main page or email

October 10, 2023

  1. Some hospitals are still to be added from the list for the February 2024 internship period. The list shall be finalized by October 13, 2023.

  2. We will be accommodating requests for hospital change until October 20, 2023. The request must be emailed to and should include the reason for changing hospital and your updated hospital list. The request is still due for review and could only be done once.

  3. We will only adjusting hospitals that have not been enacted yet so as not to disrupt the matching process.

October 7, 2023

  1. Application period for the FEBRUARY 2024 Internship Period (mid-year) shall commence on October 9, 2023. The key dates are as follows:

    First Round: October 9 to November 10, 2023

    Due of Recording of 1st Round Result: December 15, 2023

    Walk-In Round: December 18, 2023 to January 26, 2024

    Due of Recording of Walk-In Results: January 31,2024

  2. For both returning and first-time applicants, please see the Application Procedures on the left side.

  3. If you are a new applicant both still cannot log, please follow-up the approval of your account to your designated medical school E-NIPS staff.

  4. Reset of previous applications is still ongoing. We aim to finish the requests before October 9, 2023

August 29, 2023

  1. Encoding of walk-in matching results for August 2023 is nearing its completion. If your designated hospital is not yet reflected after August 31, please send us an email containing the hospital you were matched with and letter of acceptance.

  2. As a preparation for the upcoming opening of February 2024 midyear internship application, new and eligible applicants can start creating an account in E-NIPS. Once created, it will be reviewed and approved by your respective medical schools.

  3. For returning applicants (i.e. applied in previous internship periods but did not continue), there is no need to register an account again. Rather, please request a reset of previous applications by sending an email to

  4. Actual dates for the February 2024 application period will be posted on or before October 9, 2023.