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  Today is July 27, 2024
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August 2024 Internship Period

First Round:
November 20, 2023 to January 19, 2024

Due for Recording of 1st Round Results:
February 23, 2024

Second Round:
February 26 to April 5, 2024

Due for Recording of 2nd Round Results:
May 17, 2024

Walk-in Round:
May 20 to July 26, 2024

February 2024 Internship Period

First Round:
October 9 to November 10, 2023

Due for Recording of Results:
December 15, 2023

Walk-in Round:
December 18, 2023 to January 26, 2024

Due for Recording of Results:
January 31, 2024
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* - should not be left blank